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About the New Project of Demiurges


At Kiev territorial health district "Psychiatry" (Psycho neurological hospital №1) there is INTEGRATION theatre, which has existed for almost seven years. People with disabilities, psychologists, and volunteers create performances and concerts, and present them in public. Among the performances staged by integration troupe there is Shakespeare’s "The Tempest" in the Ukrainian language. It’s the play about forgiveness as a means to defeat hatred, to win the love and regain the ability to love, and live at peace, not only with other people, but also with oneself. The journey of the play about different regions of Ukraine will be the message of peace from the people often feared and despised by society - the people with diseases of the soul.


 The project suggests precisely the language of Art for social dialogue, which pulls opponents out of captivity of political doctrines and mutual accusations just to the values ​​which are more important than revenge, and make them able to hear and understand each other. The Messengers of Peace are going to appear with their project on the East of the country - in the areas where the war has coursed destruction of the houses and loss of human lives. The performances will be also held in the western and central regions, where people blame the separatists in the East for the deaths of many their neighbours - the soldiers of the Ukrainian army. Specially developed for the project playing techniques of group psychotherapy session will help the spectators of the performance to form new internal settings and motivation systems for further successful treatment of psychological traumas, removing intellectual and emotional barriers while communicating with people of different views and different experiences.


The project involves the association of professional psychologists, artists and social activists in order to fight together against violence for peace in all Ukraine and in the soul of its every citizen.


Group of authors presents a socio-cultural project "The Tempest".
    Project provides a lead-up  for "The Tempest" play by W. Shakespeare.

    Our creative team includes patients of Kyiv psychoneurological clinic No1, students-actors and youth theater studio professional actors, musicians and designers.


    Project is a significant experience  for modern play democratization. But the goal of the project is not a demonstration of high level of tolerance. The principal thing for authors in the present study is to design a new sociality that bases on creative rethinking the world of human relations. Patients and "healthy" people come together to find such a relationship in the nature of the society that impossible in a scale of global world. The principle of "I am another you" can work in a small society, and then the main become the attention of people to each other. It is the main value and main purpose is mutual evolution of individuals.


    The creative team is led by director of drama Enenberh S.L.- (St. Petersburg Academy of Dramatic Art), president of the Centre for Humanitarian Youth Development in Kyiv city, artistic director of Theater of patients of Kyiv psycho neurological clinic No1”BUDMO”, Pogorilyy V. - main psychotherapist in Kyiv psycho neurological clinic No1. The team of performers, along with artists includes two art therapists of different specializations.


    In addition to the rehearsal process project includes: purchase of materials and creating decorations, costumes, phonograms, and necessary for the performance lighting, structural scene improvement in the conference room of the hospital, where performances take place, musical equipment upgrades, psychological and sociological research phase of the play.


    We hope the interest of all citizens of Ukraine who are willing and to help people who believe in the reality of good and healthy civil society on earth.





(Shakespeare in the theatre "Будьмо"(“Let Us Be”)  КГКПБ№1)


We hear the distant surf. From the depths of the stage the beam catches the silhouette of a man, who is swiftly approaching the ramp, accompanied by increasing roar of the waves. We see a white-haired old man running directly to us. He is wearing a rough tunic and a strange cloak growing behind his back with every step. Now the old man has reached the first row of the stalls but his endless cloak is still there, covering the whole stage. The old man gives the wild cry of triumph and tears off the ties around his neck, his eyes are shining. The creatures in outlandish masks grab and carry him away, but the fallen cloak gets miraculously alive. Greenish light and dancing human silhouettes under the blue-grey silk of parachute create the storm in the sea for us. The sounds of crashing waves hitting the rocks, the cries of seagulls and the screams of the people on the sinking ship create a little odd but frightening symphony. It gives the start of the play. The white-haired old man is the almighty magician Prospero, who has just learnt that the Lord sends him straight into hands his sworn enemies. This part is played by Victor Borovik, a former military pilot, who passed Afghanistan. Now he is the most famous artist and actors of the theatre "Будьмо". How interesting and different he is in the scenes with Caliban - an evil monster, and Ariel - a good spirit of the island. It is remarkable that the performance presents unique collaboration of the patients and actors-amateurs of the Youth Theatre. Mutual support and mutual interest, patience with the peculiarities of the others, combination of good will and serious attitude to their work have been grown in each other by the actors as the core values, which have been far more important for them than the result. Perhaps, it was just a reason that the result turned out to be really fair and inspirational. The bright playing the part of Miranda, the daughter of the magician, by the actress Anastasia Kovalchuk captured the spectators' attention with its lyricism and heartiness. A wonderful touching image of the monster Caliban's character, presented as the poet in the guise of the beast, was created by Oleg Koshel's talent. A funny, thoughtful drunkard, the King's steward Stefano was remembered by the audience due to Alexei Sukhenko's accurate romantic interpretation of this role. Being also a pilot by profession Alexey exhibits the original way of thinking, deep and bright ideas. Two different interpretations of Ferdinand's character, Neapolitan prince, the son of King Alonzo, were offered by Kabaljuk Daniel and Alexander Goncharov, the were both performers of this role. Being played by Daniel Prince seemed to be a gentle, strict and lyrical young man (There is no surprise in it, because Danny is remarkable Ukrainian poet with the high level of speech culture and musical abilities). Being played by Alex Ferdinand appeared as a short-tempered, resolute nobleman with a lion's heart, where passion was burning the fire. In this actor's work there was a rare combination of comedy close to farce, and drama.

     The choice of the late Shakespeare's play, the play about repentance and forgiveness, was not made by the theatre at random in present days. But in this amazing performance where the actors are the messengers of the pain settled in their souls, the way the characters have been passing from revenge to forgiveness, from hatred to refining and peace seems to acquire a new dimension. The actors of the theatre "Будьмо" are teaching us not only to forgive, but also to struggle:  to struggle against sadness and grief, disbelief and emptiness, against the loss of the sense of life. And the Special actors are revealing the Way to us, ordinary spectators, lost in our "healthy" unbelief and "useful" fuss, the way to love for life, the way to a new Dream.


Anatoly Komenskyh «Personalitet» (2010)

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